Legal note

HI Grupo

" The images contained in the whole web only are figurative and do not correspond to any commercial lens"

HI Group respects and completes due the Spanish Law of protection of information, guaranteeing that his Information of personal character is due safeguarded and used only to support him informed about our professional services, excluding the possibility of them yielding to third parts.

This information of personal character can be erased of our database only sending

A mail in white to from the same directionaddress that it used to be given of discharge.

If it wants to modify or to rectify his information us send a mail to from the same one direction that it used to be given of discharge.

If it wants to do some comment to improve our web page us send a mail to



Member of:

C/ Andres Mellado 79, 2ºA, 28003 Madrid; Phone +34 91 000 23 88; e-mail
Copyright © 2002 Hi Grupo - Todos los derechos reservados
Diseño y Programación:HI GRUPO
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